6 Healthy Snacks to Satisfy Cravings

Do you get snacky while studying, reading, writing, or just watching TV like a couch potato? I do, so I thought I would write this post to help all you snackers pick out healthier alternatives to the bag of chips sitting there... tempting...

1. Almonds


Convenient and easy to eat. Grab the low-sodium or unsalted kinds for the healthiest alternative. Salted roasted almonds can contain 100 times more sodium than unsalted types.

2. Frozen Grapes


Freeze grapes overnight for a refreshing treat the next day. These are excellent for the upcoming warm weather (maybe I'm being too optimistic about spring, but we'll see)!

3. Pretzels


A classic snack food that satisfies your carb and salt cravings. Have you ever tried chocolate covered pretzels? I find them hard to resist.

4. Veggies + Dip


Try munching on celery, cucumber, carrots and bell peppers in hummus to resist the pesky Doritos calling your name.

5. Air Popped Popcorn


Sprinkle a little salt and try drizzling extra-virgin olive oil instead of butter. It tastes just as good, if not better!

6. Yogurt Parfait


Add your favourite fruit to yogurt and top it off with crunchy granola. Yum!


What’s your favourite snack? 

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