ny times bestselling authors

8 Books To Read Over The Holidays

8 Books To Read Over The Holidays

It’s the perfect time to cozy up on the couch with a fluffy blanket, a warm drink (I prefer hot chocolate, but you do you), twinkly lights, and a good book. From YA fiction to classics, these 8 holiday-themed reads are bound to get you into the spirit (if you aren’t already!) and provide you with a reason to stay out of the cold.

Can A Messy #NaNoWriMo Project Be A Success?

Can A Messy #NaNoWriMo Project Be A Success?

NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month. Basically, every November, aspiring and published authors take it upon themselves to complete a FULL-LENGTH BOOK of 50,000+ words in four short weeks. It seems like an impossible task, but IT CAN BE DONE.