book to movie adaptation

Can A Messy #NaNoWriMo Project Be A Success?

Can A Messy #NaNoWriMo Project Be A Success?

NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month. Basically, every November, aspiring and published authors take it upon themselves to complete a FULL-LENGTH BOOK of 50,000+ words in four short weeks. It seems like an impossible task, but IT CAN BE DONE.

What's a TBR Pile?

What's a TBR Pile?

What’s a TBR pile … and do you already have one?

TBR stands for to be read, referring to the number of books someone wants to read. If you're an avid reader like me, then your TBR pile is practically reaching the moon by now. Every time you make a dent in it, you find shinier, new books to collect. Is there a method to the madness?