What's a Readathon?


For those of you who might be confused by the term ‘readathon’, it is an event with a time limit where a reading goal is set by participants. The objective of a ‘readathon’ is to motivate participants to read more within this time limit than they normally would.

How Does a Readathon Work?

Firstly, are you planning to start your own readathon or join one? There are TONS of readathons that range from fundraisers to 24-hour events. The most common one is probably the weekend readathon where readers have three days to complete their goals.

Secondly, to make the most out of a readathon, you should:

Plan Ahead

Be honest with yourself. What are your reading limits? Set a realistic goal based on how much and how fast you typically read. Consider a few back-up books in case you DNF (do not finish) a book or you exceed your own expectations. Also, prep meals so that’s one less thing to worry about while you’re immersed in a story.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Readathon participants set goals based on their particular likes and reading habits. The only person you should be in competition with is yourself.

Change Things Up

If you’re having trouble focusing, switch up your location. Try sitting outside or find a new place in the house.

It’s Not a Race, It’s a Community Experience

Connect with other bookworms who are participating. Additionally, post about your readathon experience on social media as it’s ongoing. Some readathon organizers will host mini-games or offer prizes during the event to those on social media.

What Goal Should You Set For a Readathon?

It depends on the challenge! Some are competitive and have designated book genres or page goals that need to be met. Others are relaxed, allowing you to choose the number of books, genres, etc. that you wish to read during the allotted time. Examples of goals that you may wish to set for yourself include:

  • 3 books

  • 1,200 pages

  • half of my TBR pile (click here to learn what TBR pile is)

What Happens If You Start a Book Before the Readathon?

If you finish your book during the readathon, it will count as 1 book. However, you can only count the pages that you read during the event’s timeframe.

In The End

Enjoy reading! Readathons simply encourage readers to jump into the books they’ve been meaning to get to. For more information, check out Bookly. For reading recommendations, explore Goodreads.