tbr pile

What's a Readathon?

What's a Readathon?

Are you confused by the term ‘readathon’? A ‘readathon’ is an event with a time limit where a reading goal is set by participants. There are TONS of readathons that range from fundraisers to 24-hour events.

What's a TBR Pile?

What's a TBR Pile?

What’s a TBR pile … and do you already have one?

TBR stands for to be read, referring to the number of books someone wants to read. If you're an avid reader like me, then your TBR pile is practically reaching the moon by now. Every time you make a dent in it, you find shinier, new books to collect. Is there a method to the madness?

10 GIFS All Book Lovers Will Understand

10 GIFS All Book Lovers Will Understand

As book lovers, we share a common love for storytelling. If you are a book nerd (like me!), you can probably relate to these gifs too! Check them out and see which ones apply to you.