harry potter

Reading Summed Up By 15 Harry Potter GIFs

Reading Summed Up By 15 Harry Potter GIFs

As readers, we get so attached to fictional characters, relationships, places, and events that we forget about our realities for a short time. Basically, we go through a pretty emotional turmoil while we follow our fictional adventures. Why not summarize that journey with Harry Potter GIFs?

Why Are So Many Adults Reading Teen Fiction?

Why Are So Many Adults Reading Teen Fiction?

Approximately 70% of young adult readers are over the age of 18. For many of us, our love for the genre all began with a wizard named Harry and his magical friends Ron and Hermoine. But WHY are we all still reading books about teenagers as adults?

Why You Shouldn't Book Shame Readers

Why You Shouldn't Book Shame Readers

You shouldn’t do it. Readers shouldn’t have to put up with it. And we shouldn’t have to hear about it. But we do. So friends, today’s post is all about book shaming. What is it? Why does it suck? Why does it matter? This post aims to encourage the celebration of reading anything and all genres.

12 Disney Memes Every Book Lover Will Understand

12 Disney Memes Every Book Lover Will Understand

How many of these disney memes can you relate to?

How To Write Teen Fiction

How To Write Teen Fiction

A question I get asked often is: “How do you write teen fiction?”

The answer is simple. I am passionate about reading, especially reading YA fiction. And as a writer, I am a firm believer that you cannot write a genre you’re not already reading yourself.

10 GIFS All Book Lovers Will Understand

10 GIFS All Book Lovers Will Understand

As book lovers, we share a common love for storytelling. If you are a book nerd (like me!), you can probably relate to these gifs too! Check them out and see which ones apply to you.