ya readers

Let’s Talk Bookish Candles

Let’s Talk Bookish Candles

Bookish candles are coveted by tons of avid readers. What’s not to like? They smell great, look pretty, and are based on literature such as classics, YA, romance, characters, settings … you name it and a candle for it is probably out there!

Why You Should Write Book Reviews

Why You Should Write Book Reviews

We’re all guilty of it. We really LOVE something, yet we forget to share our appreciation by simply writing a good review. Maybe it’s because we underrepresent their importance. So, if you don’t write reviews, let’s debunk your excuses for why not.

11 Books To Read This Autumn

11 Books To Read This Autumn

Get out your cozy clothes and warm drinks because Autumn is officially here! Halloween is just around the corner and, for us seasonal readers, it’s all about spooky and Fall-themed reads. If you’re uncertain which story to pick up next, why not try one of these iconic tales?

What's a TBR Pile?

What's a TBR Pile?

What’s a TBR pile … and do you already have one?

TBR stands for to be read, referring to the number of books someone wants to read. If you're an avid reader like me, then your TBR pile is practically reaching the moon by now. Every time you make a dent in it, you find shinier, new books to collect. Is there a method to the madness?